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Staff Support


Our approach to life coaching is an integrated mix of practices from solution-focused coaching..


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Staff Support.

Staff Support or an Employee Assistance Program is a work-based intervention program designed by Choices Australia to enhance the emotional, mental, and general psychological wellbeing of all employees and includes services for immediate family members.

The aim is to provide preventive and proactive interventions for the early detection, identification, and/or resolution of both work and personal problems that may adversely affect performance and wellbeing. These problems and issues may include but are not limited to, relationships, health, trauma, substance abuse, gambling, and other addictions, financial problems, depression, anxiety disorders, psychiatric disorders, communication problems, legal and coping with change.

If you engage us to assist you and your staff, we can approach this in different ways, either via a session on health and wellbeing where I could speak to your staff as a group and, or conduct informal confidential visits onsite or offsite with your staff members to discuss how they are coping with their role. While speaking into their lives about the importance of their role and keeping their physical and emotional fuel tanks full. This will ensure they remain healthy, happy, and productive within their role and personal lives. While also assisting them to plan and consider positive healthy choices moving forward.

We are here to assist you in this specialized area to help your staff to enjoy what they do to increase productivity, positivity and health within their own lives and the life of the company. An investment in your staff is an investment in the future success of the company.

Staff Support Program

Staff Support Program

At Choices Australia we are all about partnership. This is why our Staff support program offers more than other service providers as our model is collaborative and focused on achieving effective sustainable results.

Is the Staff Support Program Suitable for my Business?

Choices Australia strongly believes the staff support program is not just about compliance, it has powerful business outcomes you’ll be happy to invest in;

  • Increased productivity
  • Performance
  • Higher engagement
  • Better retention rates
  • Reduced stress
  • Reduced compensation claims

Research has shown the importance and power of having happy employees. However, there is also evidence that mental health issues are becoming more prevalent in workplaces.

As you can imagine, this has a significant impact, not only on the lives of those people but the people they have relationships with and interact with. None of us live in a vacuum and the ripple effect is powerful.

At Choices Australia we believe that having a happy workplace is not just a ‘good to have’, but a ‘must-have’. Our services assist organizations in becoming more proactive rather than reactive in creating a positive impact.